Dr. Misha Meepenstein. 1999 - May 17, 2012
He was my first Siberian Husky. He taught me a lot. He was the snuggliest, kissiest, and most likely to escape of my pack.
But bodies wear out. And over the past couple months Meepie has gotten to be an old dog. And today we made our final trip together.
Back in May of 2000 I decided that I wanted to get a second dog so that my Lex wouldn't be alone when I wasn't home. I went to the humane society to find a female friend. But none of the females appealed to me. Then I went down the male side of the building and saw Cochise. He did appeal to me very much! I brought Lex out to meet him and they got along. A couple days later Cochise went home with me to begin being Misha. He quickly let Lex know that he would be the alpha. Fortunately Lex was fine with that.
I'm not sure when the Meepenstein was added. I think I nicknamed him Meepie shortly after he moved in. A friend expanded the nickname to what became his last name of Meepenstein.
The Doctor part was added after Turbo came to our house. When Tubey was a puppy, he had a tooth that didn't want to fall out. The Meep pinned him down and worked on it until the tooth came out.
Meeps & I had a lot of good adventures in our time. I hope that he and Fargo are having fun now on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.
I love you, Meeps! I'll miss your MeepieKisses & wonderful singing voice.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Updated Look

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
To Meep Or Not To Meep

One Person’s “Meep!” Is Another’s Poison
‘Meep’ controversy continues online
What's wrong with 'meep'? It's all in how you say it
Mass. principal bans students from saying 'Meep!'
Danvers High School says students can’t say ‘meep’
And so on...
I admit a certain narcissistic pride in a big fuss made about my name. But it gets tiresome hearing humans repeatedly say "Meep." My human roommate, for example, has been known to "meep" until I just want to claw her.
I think that the Danvers High School principal has made matters much worse by calling the word "meep" to everyone's attention. If he had really wanted to end it's appeal to the student population, he would have requesting that all adults working in the school system would "meep" at various intervals. Then it would no longer be cool to the students.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Iron Paw

I try to keep Turbo within a strict behavior guideline. He will frequently enter a room inappropriately and I'll have to get up and block his path. Once he even got the hiccups. That was really annoying! I growled at him every time he hiccuped, but he just wouldn't stop!
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